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  • general info

    hey there!! call me aurelly! beginning in 2022, i created this site here as... i'm not sure actually. might have been a way to escape the great twitter apocalypse. but in a like, cool way. today, I mostly use this site as a glorified journal/cross-device bookmark saving site. sometime soon i'm gonna do major construction/revamp because 1. this site NEEDS accessibility so bad 2. i was really annoying when i wrote most of the stuff for this site (im still annoying and pretentious but thats besides the point). 3. i do still love needy girl overdose the game but uhhhh i wasn't aware of the reputation the game + its fans had garnered over the past couple years,, so i might change my layout again. also the batshit amount of updates are NOT actually updates. its just me using neocities as the code editor sorry. also apologies for the spaghetti code i have never taken a coding class in my life.

    if you were looking for labels i've got uhhh (ruffles through a deck of cards) mentally ill disabled trans queer. but to be honest i think all of that shows in the content of the site anyways.

    pronouns: he/him
    age: moderately younger than a furby
    links: tumblr letterboxd listography twitter