doctor who (re?)watch

part five



OKAY HERE WE ARE CHILDHOOD NOSTALGIA TIME. yes im a teeny baby who grew up watching s5 what about it. kinda funny actually how that works cause like. central theme of this one is childhood and like. okay whatever ANYWAYS HERE WE GO

5.1 The Eleventh Hour: 8/10really well done!! totally great intro episode, felt like a second pilot. probably has my favorite direction next to partners in crime. gripes include eleven being kind of a bitch, him lowkey shaming amy for being a kissogram (like what was the reason for that. stop.), and the hath + the ood being shown under "earth's enemies" (THEY DID NOTHING WRONGGGG. WHAT. the humans fucked the ood over not the other way around omfg.) uhhh other thoughts prisoner zero's thing reminds me of turn left :] spooky and the themes are theming. eleven is SOOO different from ten and its giving me a little bit of whiplash. great start to the season!!

5.2 The Beast Below: 7/10 i swear to god if i hear one more fucking joke about the doctor banging the "virgin queen" IM GOING TO BLOW A GASKET. SHUT UPPPPPPPP. amazing setup though!! appropriately spooky and once again. i love the tone of the show in this season so far. man this show sure loves its police states huh. longgamecore. loved the way this ep established so many points of the show- same purpose as the end of the world. the third act gave me journeys end whiplash. no fucking way hes saying this.

> DOCTOR: Because you knew if we stayed here, I'd be faced with an impossible choice. Humanity or the alien. You took it upon yourself to save me from that. And that was wrong. You don't ever decide what I need to know.
> AMY: I don't even remember doing it.
> DOCTOR: You did it. That's what counts.
> AMY: I'm, I'm sorry.
> DOCTOR: Oh, I don't care. When I'm done here, you're going home.

i mean ofc amy was in the wrong for trying to make that decision for him but. the irony good fucking bye. 1st hes choosing FOR the creature 2nd massively side eyeing his tendency to choose for people anyways (ex. journeys end) right now. i can def see why hes so mad and i get that its an obligatory angst moment but if theres one flaw of the doctor's i cant stand its him treating his human companions like trash and disregarding them like their perspective doesnt matter (when their perspective saves the day SO MANY TIMES. doctorrrrrrr plz learn,,,)(although i have heard the show actually does address this at least in 12's seasons so im excited for that :O). um anyways amy yay moment (thinking about donna's sometimes you need someone to stop you quote)(and how the doctor needs someone else to see what he cant) aaaand now its time for the obligatory start of the season historical episode!! good ep great to see the mindspace the doctors in rn (still angsty and seemingly has an undertone of identity issues)(lets hope he doesnt keep trying to play god) and amy's character!! final gripe elizabeth x im gonna slap you for feeding "citizens of limited value" to the whale im sorry what. eugenics??? side eye.

5.3 Victory of the Daleks 6/10 i mean like. its not the worst but its not all that great either. def felt like the start of a two-parter but they just cut out a ton of the first episode and spliced the 2nd episode in for the rest. i mean tbh i wouldnt really care for a two parter w/ this setup so ehhh. whatever. companion development wise, this is the first time amy's got a glimpse of the doctor's past. however, unlike with martha in gridlock, secrets have yet to be revealed...

5.4 The Time of Angels 8/10 hell show. that angels cavern reveal never fails to get me every time. the radio gimmick kiiinda lost some of its charm cuz of silence in the library but like eeeeh doesnt matter. the found footage stuff was pretty good too although the horror movie souds were a bit goofy. great and totally memorable episode though!! eleven's....alright still. i have to get used to him.

5.5 Flesh and Stone 7/10 good episode!! no other comments its just a real good two parter. i mean i do have one other comment what the shit was amy basically almost sexually assaulting the doctor that was so uncomfortable like come on right b4 yr wedding night girlie. come on.

5.6 Vampires of Venice 7/10 weird relationship development (?) for the doctor amy and rory, but ultimately cute and fun and the clothes were pretty!

5.7 Amy's Choice 8/10 turn left on crack. the setup makes this a standout episode- with ample relationship introspection although i do have to revisit that. lately there are just too many jokes about amy and rory and the doctor's relationship that just dont hit and feel uncomfortable lmao.

5.8 The Hungry Earth 5/10 ummm... very mid. certainly a doctor who episode. quite possibly the most normal doctor who episode ive ever watched.

5.9 Cold Blood 4/10 same as above but worse because eleven honey what the fuck are you doing....lets not gaslight amy....thx

5.10 Vincent and the Doctor 9/10 literally just one of the writer's fix it fics featuring van gogh but who cares its really cute and who gives a fuck in the end. the ending montage is a biiiit sappy but its so,,,, ough,,, the Situation this episode is interesting, and the episode is very, very solid. the themes of the doctor's loneliness pop up again, which always hits me in the chest. the scene where amy, the doctor, and vincent lay on the grass together is also so sweet!! wish we got a moment like that with the doctor amy and rory tbh. :/. like i really dont see the main trio chemistry yet its just so awekward or uncomfortable most of the time,,, only gripe w/ the episode is that its a sudden especially regarding the ending of last episode but i mean what else are they gonna do lmao. the sets and costuming this episode are also gorgeous!! probably my favorite this season so far to be honest!! and the casting for vincent is soooo good.

5.11 The Lodger 8/10 a great breather before the finale :0 pretty sweet and cute!! its filler but its like, fun filler

5.12 The Pandorica Opens 8/10 cool!

5.13 The Big Bang 9/10 night at the museum energy. im very very fond of this finale.