doctor who (re?)watch

part six




6.0 A Christmas Carol 6/10 its like, fine i guess. it was pretty!

6.1 The Impossible Astronaut: 7/10 i mean its like. fine. its okay. not the hugest fan of the tone of elevens era as a whole so far, but like alright ig. its interesting and stuff i guess. murica but british pov of america is always funny to watch.

6.2 The Day of the Moon 7/10 yeah same as above its like fine and vaguely interesting but im sooo not invested. this ep took me ten million years to finish.

6.3 The Curse of the Black Spot /10 skipped

6.4 The Doctor's Wife 10/10 okay actually the best thing ever. sooooo fun and silly and also so, so so fucked up. that scene with house playing with amy's perception of reality??? so fucked up. and then it just cuts back to eleven and the tardis being sily again :3. loved the dark fantasy plus just general vibe this episode + the change in tone was v nice :]

6.5-6 The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People 7/10 rip to the acid farmers but im built different. i would just simply be okay with another me.
br> 6.7 A Good Man Goes to War 6/10 THIS EPISODES PACING AND EVERYTHING IN GENERAL IS SO WEIRD. needed to be a two-parter. lots of theoretically nice scenes that just. dont work with how the episode has practically zero build up. would have hit wayyyy harder with a part one. also i kinda hate the direction of the show rn orz. oh well!

6.8 Let's Kill Hitler 5/10 so fucking badgood. has a few very nice moments like the companion retrospect and more payoff for river's mystery thing but honestly who let moffat cook this. not gonna lie this ep is kinda the embodiment of everything i dont like abt this era so far. the mysogynistic jokes, river being solely a Plot Device for Everything (elevenriver would have been such great toxic yuri. it had the potential!!!), amyrory relationship weirdness (her basically outing rory (hes not gay but you dont do that...)), and eleven lying AGAIN. all girls do trhese days is eat hot chip be bisexual and lie. river's writing is so...its so badgood. it had the potential but the way everything is playing out is just so bad. she like. isnt given a chance to exist outside of the doctor. shes a concept for the plot and it feels like thats kinda it. maybe thats the point of some greater theme ill figure out by the end of the season but honestly im not a fan overall. conclusion of the story moffat im stealing river out of your grubby hands and kissing her on the forehead.

6.9 Night Terrors 5/10 this one was a slog to get through. skipped at the 75% point. also an extremely normal doctor who episode but like...visually horror-y

6.10 The Girl Who Waited 8/10 FUCKED UPPPP. its not new ground that this ep treads but like,it still hits hard.

6.11 The God Complex 9/10 WE ARE SO FUCKING BACKKKK. okay im absolutely in love with the shot composition this episode??? the editing and tone are so distinctive compared to generally the rest of the season. loved the exploration of the doctor's flaws at this point in time!! i always love good standalones with Character Moments (tm). season continuity tbf idk what the fuck is going on anymore